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Get ready to go out!
My actual all 🩷-day look
Spring Fresh with Milk News
New Year’s Eve look
Glamlook for the holidays

Reviews & comments

Based on 72 reviews
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  • Most helpful positive
    1 years
    verified customer

    Love it!!

    Perfect foundation. It feels like skincare. #tävling
    1 product in post Love it!!
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  • 1 week

    Color help

    Hi, Do the dewy drops from Caia in 30W, which Nars color is recommended in that case?

    Translated from swedish

    1 product in post Color help
    • Customer service at Lyko
      1 week
      Hey Sophie! Oh, super hard to give a perfect match like this, but I've looked at swatches and similar in a tone that is a bit warm and think that maybe Punjab could work! 🥰 It's a bit of a middle ground without getting too dark, but if you want one with a little darker tone, Vallauris could be something! Check what you think and good luck now 😄🤞

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  • 1 month


    Is this foundation non-comedogenic and oil-free? So, does it suit acne-prone skin?

    Translated from swedish

    1 product in post Hey!
    • Customer service at Lyko
      1 month
      Hey Matilda! 👋🏼☺️ Yes, the NARS Light Reflecting Foundation is both non-comedogenic and oil-free, making it suitable for acne-prone skin 🤍 Take care!

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  • 2 months


    When will the color vallauris be back in?

    Translated from swedish

    1 product in post Vallauris
    • Customer service at Lyko
      2 months
      Hi Isabelle Right now we don't have a date for when this will be back in stock. Therefore, I recommend you click on WATCH to leave your email address, so you'll get an automatic email as soon as the product is available for order, and our buyer will get a notification that the product is highly sought after

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  • 2 months


    Hi, which color would you recommend? I use NARS concealer in Vanilla, I'm so unsure about the color😫

    Translated from norwegian

    1 product in post Color
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  • 2 months


    Who has a cool undertone and isn't so light? :)

    Translated from swedish

    1 product in post ?
    • Employees at Lyko
      2 months
      Hey Jessica! 👋🏻😊 Here are some different suggestions 👇🏻 lyko.com/sv/nars/nars-light-reflecting-foundation-deauville - A light shade with neutral to cool undertone, suitable for you if you want a slightly darker tone than Mont Blanc. lyko.com/sv/nars/nars-light-reflecting-foundation-vienna - A light to medium shade with cool undertone, perfect if you’re looking for a shade that’s a step darker than Deauville 🤧 lyko.com/sv/nars/nars-light-reflecting-foundation-gobi - A light shade with yellow undertone, but can work for some with cool undertone depending on the skin's own tones. ... but to be completely sure you’ve found the right shade for you, I recommend trying the product directly on your skin in a store🤧 It can be tricky to get the right picture of the color through the screen, and in the store, you can see exactly how it blends in with your skin tone 😍✨ Good luck! 🤧

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  • 2 months
    verified customer

    Very natural

    Very natural and light, feels like you have no makeup on

    Translated from norwegian

    1 product in post Very natural
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  • Color

    Hey Lyko! When is the color Oslo coming back, I’m still waiting for it to return so I can place my order 😩

    Translated from swedish

    1 product in post Color
    • Customer service at Lyko
      2 months
      Hey Anna Sienna Jennifer It looks like the color Oslo is back with us now, so hurry up if you haven't done it already Take care!

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  • Hey!

    I’m considering buying, currently have Lumene CC cream in the shade fair. I have pretty red cheeks, so I’m unsure which one I should take, if I maybe should take Deauville? And if so, which concealer would match best?

    Translated from swedish

    1 product in post Hey!
    • Skin therapist at Lyko
      3 months
      Hi Tilda It's always hard like this without a picture. Please feel free to email us a picture of your face without makeup, and we'll do our best to find the shade that might suit you You can reach us at: hudterapeuten@lyko.com Talk to you soon!

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  • 3 months


    Which primer goes with this?

    Translated from norwegian

    1 product in post Primer
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  • 4 months

    perioral dermatitis?

    Hi! Can you use this if you have perioral dermatitis?

    Translated from swedish

    1 product in post perioral dermatitis?
    to leave a comment

NARSLight Reflecting Foundation Vanuatu

72 reviews, 4.6 on average
665 kr
Free delivery option available, can be sent immediately

More shades


Skin in its best light. Light Reflecting™ Foundation är en innovativ makeup-/hudvårdshybrid med medium, byggbar täckning och en naturlig, strålande finish. Den blurrar omedelbart ojämnheter, slätar ut hudtexturen och döljer blemmor, mörka fläckar och rodnad – hudtonen upplevs omedelbart +93%* jämnare. Efter sex veckors daglig användning förbättras hudens klarhet, även när makeupen avlägsnats**. Formulan är berikad med 70% hudvårdande ingredienser som stärker hudens barriär och skyddar mot miljöpåfrestningar och blått ljus. Icke-komedogen och lämplig för alla hudtyper, även känslig hud.

- Medium, byggbar täckning
- Naturlig glowfinish
- Stärker hudens barriär

Photochromic Technology justerar hudtonen efter ljusets intensitet för en jämn finish. Light Reflecting™ Complex kombinerar mikroprismor, alger och havsvatten för att öka hudens lyster. Biomimetisk havre minskar rodnad, japansk druvlilja stärker barriären och kakaopeptider skyddar mot blått ljus och miljöpåfrestningar.

*Baserat på en klinisk studie, omedelbara resultat på 31 kvinnor.
**Baserat på en sex veckors klinisk studie med 31 kvinnor.

1. Förbered huden med Radiance Primer SPF 35 för smidig makeupapplicering.
2. Lyft locket rakt upp (vrid inte). Ta 1–2 pump av Light Reflecting™ Foundation och värm mellan fingrarna.
3. Applicera i mitten av ansiktet och arbeta utåt med fingertopparna. Fokusera på ett område i taget och arbeta in väl.
4. Fixera med Light Reflecting™ Setting Powder för 16 timmars hållbarhet och extra dimension.
5. Denna produkt kommer i en återvinningsbar glasflaska. Avlägsna pumpen och återvinn glasflaskan när din foundation tagit slut.

30 ml

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